Unlocking Your Leadership Puzzle: Celebrate Your Distinctive Role and Create a Powerful Legacy

As a leader, you understand the pressures of managing a heavy workload. But are you truly leveraging your team’s strengths to maximize productivity and innovation?

Let me share the story of Mark, a talented but overwhelmed leader, and how a shift in his delegation approach transformed his leadership and his team’s performance.

The Struggle with Delegation

Mark was always on the go. His calendar was packed with meetings, project deadlines, and countless tasks that demanded his attention. He was known for his expertise and dedication, but there was one thing he struggled with—delegation. Mark felt it was faster and easier to do things himself rather than pass tasks on to his team.

Walking into his office one morning, the smell of freshly brewed coffee barely masked his frustration. His desk, cluttered with reports and proposals, was a testament to his overwhelming workload.

He felt the weight of every decision he had to make, every problem he had to solve. His team was capable, yet Mark couldn’t shake the feeling that only he could ensure everything was done right.

The Turning Point

One day, after another late night at the office, Mark realized something had to change. His productivity was suffering, and so was his team’s morale. They felt underutilized and disconnected from the bigger picture. Mark needed to learn the art of delegation—not just to offload tasks, but to empower his team and enhance their contributions.

Understanding the Why Behind Delegation

The first step in effective delegation is understanding its true purpose. It’s not about dumping unwanted tasks but about recognizing and leveraging your team’s strengths. Delegation is a powerful tool to develop your team, foster innovation, and free up your time for strategic priorities.

By delegating effectively, you shift from being a bottleneck to being a catalyst for growth. You move from doing the work of a technician or manager to focusing on your role as a visionary leader.

The 10-80-10 Delegation Formula

John Maxwell’s 10-80-10 formula can be a game-changer for leaders like Mark. Here’s how it works:

  1. First 10%: Set the vision and clarify the objectives. Provide your team with the direction and purpose behind the task.
  2. Middle 80%: Allow your team to execute the majority of the work independently. Trust their abilities and give them the space to innovate and take ownership.
  3. Final 10%: Review and refine the work, ensuring alignment with the vision and adding your insights to elevate the outcome.

This approach ensures clarity and quality while empowering your team to contribute meaningfully.

Teaching the Why, Not Just the How

One critical shift for effective delegation is teaching your team the thinking process behind tasks. It’s not enough to show them how to do something; you need to explain why it’s done that way. This fosters critical thinking, innovation, and ownership.

Imagine you’re guiding your team through a complex project. Instead of merely outlining steps, explain the rationale behind each decision. Encourage questions and discussions to deepen their understanding. When team members grasp the ‘why,’ they become more engaged and capable of making informed decisions independently.

Moving from Dumping to Empowering

Effective delegation also requires a mindset shift from dumping tasks to empowering your team. Recognize that delegation is an opportunity to:

  • Empower Your Team: Leverage their strengths and provide meaningful work that contributes to their development.
  • Enhance Team Contribution: Assign tasks that align with their skills and growth areas, making them feel valued and engaged.
  • Foster a Collaborative Environment: Encourage ownership and responsibility, promoting a culture of trust and collaboration.

By viewing delegation as a way to empower rather than offload, you create a more dynamic and motivated team.

Practical Steps to Effective Delegation

  1. Identify What to Delegate: Start by Start by evaluating your workload and identifying tasks that others can handle.
  2. Choose the Right People: Match tasks with team members’ skills and development needs.
  3. Communicate Clearly: Provide clear instructions, objectives, and expectations.
  4. Empower and Support: Give your team the autonomy to make decisions and solve problems, offering guidance without micromanaging.
  5. Monitor Progress and Provide Feedback: Regularly check in on progress, offer constructive feedback, and recognize achievements.


Mark’s journey from a stressed-out leader to an effective delegator transformed his leadership and his team’s performance. By embracing delegation as a tool for empowerment and growth, he unlocked his team’s potential and elevated his role as a visionary leader.

Delegation is not just about getting things done; it’s about building a strong, capable team ready to tackle any challenge.

Start your journey today by understanding the why behind tasks, shifting your mindset from dumping to empowering, and applying practical steps to delegate effectively.

For more insights on prioritization and delegation, read my previous article on setting priorities.

Together, let’s take your leadership to the next level.

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