Unlocking Your Leadership Puzzle: Celebrate Your Distinctive Role and Create a Powerful Legacy

Imagine stepping into a bustling automotive workshop, the air filled with the faint hum of electrical components being tested. The scent of metal and lubricant mingles with the occasional whiff of fresh coffee.

Engineers are focused on the latest prototypes of electric cars, the soft whir of transformers and capacitors creating a symphony of innovation. It’s another day in the world of engineering, where cutting-edge technology meets the drive for excellence.

Today, I want to share a story that illustrates how equipping others for success can multiply your influence as a leader. But first, let’s explore the different types of leaders and their approaches to development.

Three Types of Leaders

In my experience, leaders generally fall into three categories when it comes to equipping themselves and their teams.

The Overlookers

The first type is the Overlookers. These leaders believe that they don’t need to develop themselves. They think their role is to hire coaches, trainers, or speakers to work with their teams while they remain on the sidelines. This approach creates a significant issue.

According to John Maxwell’s Law of the Lid out of his “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” leaders who don’t invest in their own growth become the lid of their organization. They become the glass ceiling, limiting the potential of their team because they are not growing and evolving themselves.

The Fearful Investors

The second type is the Fearful Investors. These leaders understand the importance of personal development and invest heavily in themselves. They attend seminars, read books, and seek mentorship.

However, they hesitate to invest in their team out of fear that their team members might leave once they are better trained and more capable.

While this fear is understandable, it creates a stagnant environment where the leader is the only one growing.

The real question to ponder is:

What’s worse than investing in your team and having them leave?

The answer: not investing in them and having them stay! This creates a culture of complacency.

The Comprehensive Developers

The third type is the Comprehensive Developers, like Laura. These leaders recognize the need to equip both themselves and their teams. They understand that their success is intrinsically linked to the success of those they lead.

They continuously invest in personal growth and also create opportunities for their team members to develop, fostering an environment of collective progress and innovation.

The Foundation: Equipping Yourself First

Meet Laura, a software development manager at the electric car company. Many times her work takes her to the car testing workshop.

Laura is exceptional at what she does, but she quickly realizes that her true potential lies in empowering others. She understood that equipping her team for success would not only elevate their performance but also amplify her impact as a leader.

Laura’s journey began with deep introspection. She knew that to lead others effectively, she had to first equip herself. She spent time understanding her strengths and blind spots, delving into self-awareness with the curiosity of a scientist.

She attended workshops, read extensively, and sought feedback from peers. The smell of fresh ink on her notebook filled with personal insights became a constant reminder of her commitment to growth.

By continuously investing in her development, Laura positioned herself uniquely. She was not just a manager; she was a leader equipped to equip others.

This self-awareness allowed her to identify gaps in her knowledge and seek opportunities to bridge them. It was this relentless pursuit of personal growth that laid the groundwork for her next big step.

Multiplying Influence: Creating a Team of Leaders

Laura’s focus then shifted to her team. She understood that her success was intertwined with theirs. She began by recognizing the unique strengths and potential in each team member.

With a keen eye, she observed their work, their interactions, and their challenges. The buzzing energy of brainstorming sessions, the palpable excitement during project launches – these moments were Laura’s canvas.

She started by providing the right tools and training. She organized skill-building workshops that were not just informative but also engaging. Imagine a room filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, whiteboards covered in colorful ideas, and team members deeply engrossed in learning new coding techniques.

These sessions were the seeds of growth.

Laura also embraced the role of a coach and mentor. She scheduled regular one-on-one meetings, where she listened intently, offering guidance tailored to each individual’s needs.

The soft rustle of papers, the comforting warmth of a shared pot of tea, and the quiet assurance of her presence created a nurturing environment.

Her team felt supported, valued, and motivated to push their boundaries.

The Power of Relationships and Opportunities

Equipping her team went beyond technical training. Laura knew that relationships and opportunities were crucial. She facilitated connections between her team members and other industry leaders.

The vibrant chatter during networking events, the exchange of ideas over lunch, and the shared excitement of new possibilities – these interactions expanded their horizons.

She also created opportunities for them to lead. She delegated responsibilities that challenged them, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

The adrenaline rush of taking charge, the satisfaction of overcoming obstacles, and the collective pride in achievements – these experiences were transformative.

The Ripple Effect of Equipping

Laura’s efforts bore fruit. Her team’s productivity soared, but more importantly, they grew as individuals and as leaders. They began to mentor newer employees, creating a ripple effect of growth and development. The office buzzed with innovation, collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose.

Laura’s influence had multiplied. By equipping her team, she had built a network of capable leaders who could drive the organization’s success.

Her story is a testament to the power of equipping others – it’s not just about imparting skills; it’s about empowering individuals to realize their full potential.

The REAL Success Formula

This journey of equipping others is part of the broader REAL Success formula – Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership. These principles, inspired by John Maxwell, provide a comprehensive framework for achieving success.

In our previous article, we explored the importance of building strong relationships. Today, we delved into the art of equipping. Next, we’ll discuss the power of attitude and its impact on leadership.

Join Me Live

As we continue to explore the REAL Success framework, I invite you to join my upcoming LinkedIn Live session. We’ll dive deeper into practical strategies for equipping yourself and your team for success. Imagine a workplace where every leader is committed to personal and professional growth, creating an environment where everyone thrives.

Click “Attend” to save your seat and embark on this journey with me.

Let’s equip ourselves and others for REAL success, transforming our teams and organizations. See you there!

In this article, I wanted to paint a vivid picture of how equipping others can transform leadership influence.

By focusing on self-awareness, continuous development, and empowering relationships, we can create a powerful ripple effect.

Join our live session to learn more about this essential aspect of leadership.



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Voluntary turnover it’s an ALARMINGLY preventable problem.

To combat this, I have outlined five leadership strategies that will keep your top performers leaned in and performing.