Everybody’s searching for the recipe for success…
Ambitious goal-getters. Entrepreneurs. Dreamers and doers. Certainly, corporate leaders are looking for what makes something work most effectively.
So, as a leader in business… what do you think guarantees good results? Is it talented team members? Effective communication? Trust? Project lead time?
Certainly, these things are crucial. Skill and experience are valuable tools. No collaboration happens without communication. Trust builds bridges that would otherwise burn, and lead time offers a runway they can all launch from.
But they are not a recipe for success.
Even a talented, trusting, time-conscious team that talks to each other can hit roadblocks… roadblocks that can only be helped by one thing.
Say your team is working on a major project and making great progress – when they make progress. But that progress only comes in stops and starts. The deadline is approaching, and everyone is getting a little anxious.
During one meeting, a team member makes a suggestion that the team starts holding itself accountable – setting benchmarks, measuring results, and checking in to make sure things are proceeding as planned.
And they are met with grumbles and excuses…
“I don’t think we need that.”
“That’s a bit much.”
“That won’t go over well.”
“We just need to get it done.”
So the team member just shrinks back in their seat and stays quiet. But then the meeting ends, and the problem continues. Stopping and starting and stopping and starting, with no mercy from the deadline.
Sound familiar?
I’m not saying accountability is the recipe for success – but I am saying it is a necessary ingredient.
If your team struggles to hold themselves accountable, consider…
1. Letting them in on the “why” behind your suggestions.
Accountability is, overall, an unfriendly word. It can carry a lot of unpleasant implications for some. Without context, suggesting accountability can be misinterpreted as a lack of faith in your team’s abilities, or as a punishment for not hitting benchmarks. This can cause resistance.
When you make your motives clear and explain the benefits of accountability, your team begins to see that accountability isn’t judgment, and that it’s for the benefit of the group.
2. Starting small with implementation.
Too much change, too quickly, can make a team feel unstable – and people who feel unsafe will resist change. Small, easy-to-execute changes are more effective than an overnight overhaul.
Try starting with relatively simple accountability measures, like setting clear and specific goals for a project’s progress, then checking in on their progress on a regular basis. Eventually, you can step up how often you check in and how many milestones you measure.
3. Modeling accountability.
Leaders set the tone for their team. In their actions they are a sort of lawmaker in their workplace, letting everyone know what is acceptable and what is not. The most effective leaders lead by example because they know their team is watching, and that their team’s efficiency cannot exceed their own.
If your team is resisting accountability, be the first to hold yourself accountable – to them. Open the door to accountability by letting them know how you have been spending your time, energy, and attention.
4. Supporting the team.
If a team is falling behind, they may feel like they are compensating for a lack of support resources. When you extend an offer of help, you empower them to avoid the issues that may have warranted the accountability discussions to begin with.
You also remind them that although they are accountable to you, you are both on the same team, working toward the same goal.
Accountability maintains momentum – how fast is your team getting results? Feel free to schedule a discovery call if you need any assistance getting your team up and running.
That’s all for now,
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