Tell me if you see what is wrong with this scenario…
A leader notices that many of their team members are disengaged. They perform their roles, but they are not achieving their real potential. Because of this, results have been muted.
The leader has already tried to inspire their team with flexible hours so that they can spend their time as they wish as long as they meet their deadlines and goals.
Then, the leader decides on a new plan: a monthly challenge week where team members compete to hit the best numbers. The leader thinks this will surely spur his team to action. And sure enough, two or three team members rise to the challenge.
But the next month, the leader finds the same few employees are leaning in and winning – and the month after that, and the month after that. The rest of the team remains listless.
What seems to be the problem? And what would you do next?
One important thing to keep in mind is that a team is a group of people working toward a common goal. In moments of inspired collaboration, they may work like they are sharing one mind – but in reality, they are their own people, in all their nuanced and complex glory.
Most leaders know the value of a diverse team. Difference perspectives, strengths, and skills set those inspired moments in motion. But in order to reap the benefits of diversity, we have to motivate our people according to diversity’s first degree: personality.
Some of the people on your team are like those natural-born cold-callers acing the challenge week – they are ready to meet someone and sell right now! But some of them build relationships that bear sales in the long-term.
Freedom over their time might instil confidence in some of your employees. They believe you trust them to complete their tasks, and they reward that trust with results. Other team members, on the other hand, are panicking because they crave structure. They feel like they have been abandoned.
So what is the leader in the story supposed to do? What are we supposed to do?
There is only one thing to do: get to know your team!
Some leaders use industry knowledge as a test when hiring – but knowledge can be taught and learned. People have natural strengths that are important to understand before bringing them onto your team. Assessments can help you get to know your team before they become your team.
Once hiring is completed, though, motivation enters the picture. Motivation – just like skills, desires, and personality – is completely unique to the individual.
There is a good chance you see or talk with your team members multiple times a week. Maybe you share a workspace with them. You certainly collaborate with them and try to engage them in common goals. These are the people you have trusted to move your organization forward.
Yet, when I ask leaders, “What are your team members’ dreams?” most of them cannot answer me. They are not sure what their team members do in their spare time. They are not sure what their employees want out of life.
They do not know how to move their team to action, and they do not know what a wealth of diversity they are leading.
In short, they do not know what motivates their employees.
We can try to implement as many motivational techniques as we know about… we can talk all day about salaries, benefits, and schedules… but if we are not being intentional and individual, our teams will continue to tune out.
Do you know what kind of players you have on your team? Do you know what drives them and what pushes them away?
Your organization depends on your answer!
If you would like to naturally draw your team into better results, join me on April 28 for the 5 Keys to Engaging and Motivating Every Team Member Free Training. At 4 PM CET / 10 AM EST, I will be breaking down the process that helps you get to know your employees and meet them at the point of their motivation.
You can save your seat here >> https://www.becomeyourbestversion.com/5keys-april22
Relationship building is the difference-maker in leadership – so I really hope to see you there.
That’s all for now.
Until next time,
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