by Florin Lungu | Aug 12, 2022 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership
If we have learned anything since the start of the pandemic, it’s this: we live in a world that refuses to sit still. Change is the only constant. What worked yesterday must change to work today, and it will have to change again for tomorrow. In a world like that,...
by Florin Lungu | Aug 5, 2022 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership
If I were to ask you if you want to be wealthier, healthier, and more skilled, what would you say? (No, this isn’t a sales pitch… well, maybe it is, in a way.) You would probably say yes. Most people would. There is a universal desire among the human race to do, be,...
by Florin Lungu | Jul 29, 2022 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership
Before a leader can lead anyone else, they must first lead themselves. As I write this article, I am the owner and operator of my own business – Become Your Best Version (maybe you have heard of it? haha!). These last several years of entrepreneurial life have...
by Florin Lungu | Jul 22, 2022 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership
If you are following my emails, that is probably because you want to grow in some way. In these notes I share different leadership insights I have picked up in study and in experience. No matter if you read these perspectives to achieve a higher level of professional...
by Florin Lungu | Jul 15, 2022 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership
Before we jump to the six keys, let’s look at what is leadership? Yes, it seems like a simple question. After all, it’s only three words. And leadership is a very common topic of discussion – we should have no trouble defining it. Yet, maybe that’s just...