Unlocking Your Leadership Puzzle: Celebrate Your Distinctive Role and Create a Powerful Legacy

I get it. As leaders, we’re swamped.

Meetings, deadlines, and decisions. It feels like there’s never enough time to attend leadership events like Live2Lead.

But here’s the thing—these are exactly the moments that pull us ahead of the learning curve.

The space we create to step back, reflect, and soak in new perspectives is often the very thing that propels us forward.

I know this firsthand. Years ago, I attended a leadership conference just like Live2Lead. I picked up a book by John Maxwell, and that event became the catalyst for my own leadership journey.

It wasn’t a big, earth-shattering moment, but a spark that set me on a path I could never have imagined at the time.

Let me share some key takeaways from this year’s Live2Lead in Gothenburg.

These insights have the power to shift how you approach your leadership, your team, and even yourself.

John C. Maxwell: The Abundance Mindset

John Maxwell kicked things off with a powerful reminder about the importance of an abundance mindset.

As leaders, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking resources are limited—that there’s only one pie, and we need to fight for our slice.

But what if, instead of crying over a single pie, we focused on baking more pies?

What new markets, products, or initiatives could you explore?

What opportunities are right in front of you that you haven’t yet “spied”?

Valorie Burton: Closing the Energy Gap

Valorie Burton’s session hit me hard.

She asked a simple but profound question: “What energy gaps exist in your life?

For me, it’s physical energy. I don’t get enough sleep, and my sleep schedule is inconsistent. And if I don’t take care of myself, how can I serve my team well?

As leaders, we push ourselves to the limit, sacrificing rest just to keep up. But how wise is it to grind until we get sick and are forced out of the game for days?

Taking care of ourselves isn’t just an option—it’s essential.

Jon Gordon: Guarding Our Minds

Jon Gordon shared a powerful quote from Gandhi:

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”

As leaders, we must guard the culture of our teams fiercely.

Negativity is like a virus; once it spreads, it can take down entire organizations. We need to ensure that no one brings their negative energy into our mission.

Our vision is too important to be derailed by it.

Malcolm Gladwell: The Power of Group Composition

Malcolm Gladwell drove home a crucial point:

The composition of a group is more important than the individual qualities of its members.

Building a great team isn’t just about hiring top talent from the best school in your industry or area. It’s about recruiting people from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and worldviews.

This goes beyond race or gender—it’s about cognitive diversity. The best teams are built from varied life experiences that bring fresh insights to the table.

The In-Person Panel: Navigating Leadership Today

One of the day’s highlights was the panel discussion with Jeremy Parker, Vanessa Eriksson, and Pooja C Sousthanamath..

They gave practical tips for navigating today’s leadership challenges. From addressing negativity before it spreads to keeping teams connected to the “why” behind their work, the panel underscored the importance of trust and motivation.

Building trust takes time, and it starts with getting to know your people. We can’t lead effectively if we don’t understand what drives our team members.

Chris Robinson: Elevating the Lid

Finally, Chris Robinson’s session reminded us of the Law of the Lid.

As leaders, our own growth sets the ceiling for our teams. If we don’t elevate our leadership lid, we stifle the potential of those around us.

One of the key shifts we must make is from focusing solely on our own growth to becoming “star creators”—leaders who lift others and create space for them to shine.

Delivering on Our Promises

When we designed Live2Lead Gothenburg, we made two promises.

The first was that (1) attendees would walk away with practical tips they could apply to their leadership immediately.

Judging by the testimonials we’ve received, I think we delivered on that. Here’s what participants like Filip, Heather, Noelle, Jessica, Tereza, Jeanette, Alexandra, Håkan, Martin, and Jeremy shared on LinkedIn about how the event has already impacted them.

If you missed Live2Lead, there’s good news: We’re offering 90-day on-demand access to the replay. You can still catch all the speakers and immerse yourself in their wisdom at your own pace.

If you were in the room but know someone who needs to experience it, share the link with them or gift a pass to someone you care about.

Wish your team was there? Invest in a virtual pass for each of them and watch the sessions together at your next team meeting.

Access the event Virtual Pass here.

Going Deeper: A Leader’s Path

Our second promise was to (2) offer a way for participants to dive deeper.

Leadership doesn’t develop in a day—it’s a daily process. That’s why I’m excited to launch A Leader’s Path, a new leadership roundtable based on John Maxwell’s 21 Laws of Leadership.

If you’re ready for the next step in your leadership journey, this program will give you the tools and community to keep growing.

Learn more about A Leader’s Path here.

In the end, events like Live2Lead aren’t just another meeting on your calendar. They’re opportunities to invest in yourself, sharpen your vision, and elevate your team.

I hope to see you at the next one on October 23rd, 2025 (save the date!), and I look forward to walking this leadership journey with you.



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Voluntary turnover it’s an ALARMINGLY preventable problem.

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