by Florin Lungu | Feb 13, 2022 | Employee Engagement, Leading for Performance, Self-leadership, Teamwork & Collaboration
Have you ever been led by a “bad leader”? I know the term can be defined many ways, but just think about it based on what you think a “bad leader” is. Have you ever been led by someone who you felt was a “bad leader”? It’s beyond frustrating to be in that position....
by Florin Lungu | Feb 6, 2022 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership, Teamwork & Collaboration
Have you ever seen a so-so team play an unusually good game? It catches you off guard – you think to yourself, “Wow! They really came out in full force today.” You rarely hear about this team doing so well, but that day, they were peak performers. It reminds you...
by Florin Lungu | Jan 23, 2022 | Communication, Employee Engagement, Leading for Performance, Teamwork & Collaboration
It has been said that if one student fails a test, the student is to blame, but if the whole class fails, the teacher is at fault. An individual performing very differently from the rest may show that they alone were not prepared, that they have not been paying...
by Florin Lungu | Dec 5, 2021 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership, Teamwork & Collaboration
As a leader, tough calls come with our territory. Of course, important decisions are a natural part of life. But the higher up the leadership ladder one climbs, the higher the stakes of those decisions get, too. When leaders are faced with difficult and weighty...
by Florin Lungu | Nov 14, 2021 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership, Teamwork & Collaboration
What would you say should be a leader’s primary goal? To serve their organization? To always be improving? To develop their people? Of course, all of these are important. A leader’s foremost responsibility is to their people, and to better serve their people, a leader...
by Florin Lungu | Nov 7, 2021 | Leading for Performance, Self-leadership, Teamwork & Collaboration
We live in a world of 8-second attention spans and next-day delivery. Almost any question can be answered with a few quick swipes of your finger. “Fast-paced” hardly covers it, and it is getting faster every passing day. In this world of lightning speed, it is easy to...